Thursday, April 14, 2011


I had no idea, that one of my best friends was about to become something else, something that I desired, the person who I wished to be with. It is not like I wanted to be next to him 24/7 but I enjoy talking to him even though it wasn’t face to face, because it felt like we were, that’s how easy it was to talk to him.  Although it took a long time for me to admit that I actually liked him, it was worth the try to believe it.  Unluckily it didn’t last as long as I thought it would, I guess we were both very shy, I guess we were both better off as friends, and I guess we were both not supposed to last… who knows?  However even though it actually lasted about a week or two I don’t regret anything, I’ve probably never met and never will meet a guy as special and sensitive as him, I probably did a mistake, but whatever is said it’s done. Maybe we didn’t see each other as much and the feelings were confused for a friendly type of love. But ever since the beginning of out story, there’s been that sort of someone in the way, and I think it’s better off if we leave stuff like it is and I just step out of the way.