Friday, December 3, 2010

No School for Three Days

As I mentioned before, I was born in Caracas Venezuela. Best known as the tropical country with the most beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, since the beginning of November, it has rained a lot lately. So much, that school was cancelled for 3 days! Although at first my classmates and I thought it would be fun to not have school, we were completely wrong! Since Tuesday night, teachers have been sending messages, and homework since we are missing those 3 days, and expect us to not go out, since it’s not a “holyday”. Furthermore, Venezuela has not only become more dangerous each day but its bad weather is making things worse.
For next week, when we get back to school, I have to turn in a lab report, a test, a quiz, an essay, a monolog, a project, and a lot of homework. Lately I haven’t been able to complete my homework as fast as before now I take hours, and days to finish them! Many people say, “well, its high school, deal with it!” but then I wonder its actually “only” 9th grade, imagine when we get to 11th and 12th where there are IB exams, and its much harder. The good thing of going back to school on Monday is that we go to Winter break in two weeks, but again the last week we have FINAL EXAMS! Hopefully we’ll end 2010 well… hopefully!